Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsI have the loot quality from crates set to 5 and the difficulty offset set to 5 as well. 1x 🥳 Weekend Rates (Friday-Sunday) 🥳 Player XP Multiplier - Modded Cluster: 3x Taming Speed Multiplier - Modded Cluster: 7x Harvest Amount Multiplier - Modded Cluster: 3x Fishing Loot Quality Multiplier - Modded Cluster: 1. 3x Fishing Loot Quality Multiplier 1. I want my server to have the same as an official server. Taming Speed 10X. Thanks. 3 . 0 overall (0. Advertisement. . When generated via console, the item's AQ is set to the "Quality. 319k. Players at level eighty or higher will also be able to collect Deep Sea Loot Crates. Mating Interval 1/2. Harvesting Multiplier: 1. Night Time Speed 5X. com. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. The drops in. Supply Crate Loot Quality Multiplier: 1: 2: クレートの品質: Fishing Loot Quality Multiplier: 1: 5:Nothing but primitive from every color drop, rings or not, from supply as well as random world red loot crates in desert and ocean. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts* XP Multiplier = 3x * Supply Crate Loot Quality Multiplier = 1x * fishing Loot Quality Multiplier = 2x * Day speed = 1x * Night speed = 1x * Crop Growth speed = 5x * Hair Growth Speed = 2x Mods * Structures Plus (Open Source) = (731604991) * Editable Server UI (WBUI) Open Source = (924619115) * Dino Storage v2 = (1609138312)We're a growing ark server that's looking for people to join our servers: Ragnarok, The Island, and Extinction. Found the internet! 2. For example, it says when you make the max wild dino level 150, the loot multiplier goes to 5x, or 500% higher. Mating Interval 1/2. seems to be hard coded which sucks for server owners trying to setup casual servers. For some reason no matter the colour of the drop I'm only ever getting primitive stuff at the same level as the engram. I logged into my island world and opened a yellow supply drop to find a 100% weapon damage pike. Posted by 3 years ago. Server Settings XP Multiplier: 3 Taming Multiplier: 5 Harvest Amount Multiplier: 6 Supply. Valheim Genshin. 2*5. NEW SERVER - The Hotspot. 76561198809187472 Jan 27, 2018 @ 3:11am. Should literally be called fishing loot quality and supply drop quality under general settings on the nitrado interface. 245. This site was designed with the . Crop Decay Multiplier 1; Higher number = better fishing loot. Don't be afraid to push the limits. 5, I have tried other maps and I have tried default settings but nothing works except the Liopleurodon effect, which does work, but gives crap loot for a 2. The Lootcrate is an Item in the Genesis: Part 1 & 2 DLCs. 0 Per Platform Max Structures Multiplier x2 ORP 10min after offline Friendly Fire enabled Damage numbers showing Player food & water. 5. 5-2x (see below). Mating Interval 1/2. This is a new server with the maps Rag and Ext!. 50 KB. 75 Baby Maturation = x2. Cosplay Evolved : please note do not use the wings to fly everywhere unless you are. I've tried changing the quality of loot drops in settings, all the way up to 10x and yet nothing has changed. 5. 5 SupplyCrate_Level25_C 1 1. Egg Hatch Speed 1/2. ARK: Survival Evolved™ and its related images, trademarks and copyrights are the sole property of Studio Wildcard and. 0 MAIN DINO SETTINGS: Lay Egg Interval- 0,3 Mating Interval- 0,5. Dinos Have Increased Weight. If stone is in the crate, it will go to the next item: Thatch. Supply Crate Loot Quality Multiplier - 5. ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. The sub pages are included in other pages like Supply Crates, Loot Crates, or Deep Sea Loot Crates. 5 Dino Harvesting Damage Multiplier = x4 Supply Crate Loot Quality Multiplier = x1. All settings are subject to change at anytime. ini (also deep sea crates and bosses). Our rates are turned up only a slight amount just to ensure quicker progression so that you will have a better experience with our server cluster. I changed the loot quality scaling multiplier to 2, then tried 5, and then 100. Night Time Speed 5X. Harvesting Multiplier - 4x Lay egg interval multiplier - . eg dino levels, amount of spawns but it doesnt. Members. Fishing Loot Quality Multiplier 10X. 5 Dino Harvesting Damage Multiplier = x4 Supply Crate Loot Quality Multiplier = x1. XP Multiplier 10X. That being said, I'm looking into the dev kit, slowly but surely, to hopefully push out a mod to change that. Imprint Amount Scale 2X. Just wanting to know what you think is a good option for this setting. Posted November 19, 2018. Welcome to Ibis Nix Our server is a close to vanilla server cluster with only a few added quality of life mods. Supply Crate Loot Quality Multiplier 10X. 2018年1月27日 3時11分 supply crate loot quality multiplier i wanted better quality loot on my server so i set the value to 2 instead of 1 and its way better than what i wanted. 0 Crop Growth Speed Multiplier - 6. Better saddles and guns. Loot Multiplier can multiply any loot from any container in the game. 0464 Baby Imprinting Stat Scale. Egg Hatch Speed Multiplier: 10. PC unofficial Session. So according to Ark wikia, when you increase the Difficulty, you also increase the Supply Crate Loot Multiplier. Fishing Loot Quality Multiplier 10X. 5x Baby. Night Time Speed 5X. Our first two PvE servers launched this past weekend with ARK Legion: Crystal Isles on Saturday (21JAN22) and ARK Legion: Lost Island (22JAN22). ARK ; General Discussion ; Loot crate spawn timer? Loot crate spawn timer? By KrackenOne, March 20, 2019 in General Discussion. Night Time Speed 5X. No Fog. This allows you to change settings in the game such as adding mods, changing the XP multiplier, respawn rate for resources, taming speed and many more. If I set the supply crate loot multiplier to 1, does that mean you can -never- find high-end armor like mastercraft and ascendant, or that it's a very low chance?I've come to understand that when you increase the difficulty to 5, so that wild dinos spawn up to level 150, you are also increasing the quality of loot by 500%. Not sure it's only my cluster but I'm having the issue where with the latest small update this morning that all the drops on non-Genesis 2 maps are primitive only despite the multiplier on the cluster. Options that must be specified on the. There are 4 types of lists: Containers list - is the list of all containers. Looking for chill people that want to play Ark and have fun. i wanted better quality loot on my server so i set the value to 2 instead of 1 and its way better than what i wanted. OAP Cluster (ALL FREE DLC MAPS) + Extinction 5x XP/25x Tame/12x Harvesing max wild dino LVL 300 • Taming Speed - 25x • Harvesting - 12x • Experience - 5x • Supply Crate Loot Quality Multiplier - 100 • Fishing Loot Quality M. 0 on console. can i set it to 1. So today I updated ark and went on my aberration server. Supply Crate Loot Quality Multiplier 10X. 75 Baby Maturation = x2. Water/Food Drain 1/2. is a multiplicator to modify the item quality. 5 Dino Harvesting Damage Multiplier = x4 Supply Crate Loot Quality Multiplier = x1. My question now is: Does the "SupplyCrateLootQualityMultiplier=" we put in the game. PvP servers have slightly better rates to incentive play. 75 Breeding = x2. 5 Dino Harvesting Damage Multiplier = x4 Supply Crate Loot Quality Multiplier = x1. PvP Server Rates Experience, Harvesting = x2. Red drops are not that great. © Valve Corporation. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsI would still like for such things to appear, just a bit more rare :) CryptexLIVE • 7 yr. CryptoPress J to jump to the feed. Mating Speed 5X. 8i 731604991 - Structures Plus (S+) 812655342 - Automated Ark 924933745 - Dino Tracker 761535755 . No. PvP Server Rates Experience, Harvesting = x2. Quality ranging from 1 to 4. can i set it to 1. Dinos Spawns 3X. You can change what bosses drop that way. This was a red flag for me since my Supply Crate Loot Quality is set to 5. I decided to fly and open various supply drops around the map and all of them that had equipment inside only had primitive base values of armor and weapon damage. However if you want to change it, you can actually do so by using the loot crate overrides. Fishing Loot Quality Multiplier 1; Determines how good the loot quality is, a higher value means better loot. Fishing Loot Quality Multiplier 10X. Baby imprint is normal. No. 4x Player Harvesting Damage Multiplier 10x Dino Harvesting Multiplier 10x Mating Interval Multiplier 0. . Taming Speed 10X. Some friends and I are playing on a private server for valgeuro. I'd like to get something other than ascendant but be able to get ascendant. 2. It probably would if element had quality. 5 Crop Growth Speed Multiplier 10. 0. Loot quality setting. 3x Fishing Loot Quality Multiplier 1. 0x base & 1. Baby Mature Speed 5X. Quality of supply crates loot 1. advanced loot compared to vanilla. 0 I have mine set on 2 and it is almost to fast until you are taming level 75+ dino's . Our ARK Inferno Server cluster has a unique balance of PvP and PvE servers designed to provide players the flexibility to play when and how they want. The supply crate lands with 100 health which slowly decays over time - in increments of 10HP. 75 Baby Maturation = x2. Dino Stamina Multiplier - 0. Quality ranging from 1 to 4. If it is not the primary. We feature events like double Breeding weekends, as well as run the ark events that have past like Valentines and Easter. Harvest Amount 10X. 25-4. ARK: Survival Evolved > General Discussions > Topic Details. No, it does not. ago. Water/Food Drain 1/2. 0 0 0. Skins Crafter. The best gear is found in the deep sea loot crates. Key notes: Saddles, weapons, and armour all have the normal 10% BP. Or hold the button to show a menu and add a loot drop quickly. Open to all types of playstyles. 75 Harvesting = x2. therefore the second one overwrites the 1st. 76561198063339556 Mar 9, 2020 @ 6:58pm. 01. I've come to understand that when you increase the difficulty to 5, so that wild dinos spawn up to level 150, you are also increasing the quality of loot by 500%. Subtitle Edit: Renumber. I would like to customize it to have More ascendant stuff and. Its entirley possible that the crates have a default power. Premium Powerups Explore Gaming. Crafting skill multiplier : Everything you craft has a chance to be of a lot higher quality. Taming Multiplier: 5. CryptoMULTIPLIERS: XP Multiplier: 3X Taming Speed Multiplier: 3X Passive Tame Interval Multiplier: 0. If I set the supply crate loot multiplier to 1, does that mean you can -never- find high-end armor like mastercraft and ascendant, or that it's a very low chance?I've come to understand that when you increase the difficulty to 5, so that wild dinos spawn up to level 150, you are also increasing the quality of loot by 500%. Supply crate loot quality multiplier = 1. If I set the supply crate loot multiplier to 1, does that mean you can -never- find high-end armor like mastercraft and ascendant, or that it's a very low chance?This would mean that you get only white and green quality loot if your difficulty is at 0. PvP Server Rates Experience, Harvesting = x2. Welcome to our Steam Cluster ,ARK Legion! Our servers have slightly boosted rates and is designed to provide players the flexibility to play when and how they want. Our system involves a cluster with both PvE and PvP servers where the PvP servers have slightly high gather and drop rates. They often have ramshackle or higher quality items. denisace • 2 yr. The file we need to edit is called “Game. 75 Harvesting = x2. I've come to understand that when you increase the difficulty to 5, so that wild dinos spawn up to level 150, you are also increasing the quality of loot by 500%. Water/Food Drain 1/2. We are dedicated to keeping gameplay as vanilla as possible with some minor Quality-of-Life improvements. Supply Crate Loot Quality Multiplier 1; Amount of damage done in caves, ruins and other PVP zones, a. Each crate contains an apparently random selection of offerings (such as raw resources,. 5 Regrow on structures multiplier: 0. User account menu. *CLUSTER* PVE PRIMAL CORE PLAYGROUND Welcome to the Primal Core Cluster Server! This server beholds a very content packed playthrough containing 2 large overhaul mods which work very nicely together. Quality range: 100% - 100%; The crate contains exactly 1 of the following tier sets. Kind of. 27 ENE 2018 a las 3:11 supply crate loot quality multiplier i wanted better quality loot on my server so i set the value to 2 instead of 1 and its way better than what i wanted. ARK: Survival. MEME. Balanced Narcotics. This server is perfect for those who. Night Time Speed 5X. Deep sea and cave loot crates do have a higher chance of dropping higher quality item. We've started farming the red crates in the desert and the Ice Cave and the rare Ascendant item or blueprint we get isn't that impressive. The Lootcrates are split into three tiers of quality: Tier 1 usually gives low-level Items and Consumables while. But I don't have a lot of time so I'd like to get good gear relatively fast, but not overpowered stuff that just makes the game easy. Water/Food Drain 1/2. We are pleased to announce that we're launching on May 15th 2022, ARK Legion: Fjordur! ARK Legion: Fjordur is a FFA, no Transfer, PvP Server with slightly boosted rates. 2 Our first two PvE servers launched not even two weeks ago with ARK Legion: Crystal Isles on Saturday (21JAN22) and ARK Legion: Lost Island on Sunday (22JAN22).